Home Builder Marketing

Expert Digital Marketing Services for Home Builders

Most home builders struggle to generate consistent leads and sales. We fix that! We develop custom digital marketing strategies proven to get more customers. Request a free custom strategy from our experts!


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Our Home Builder Marketing Specialties


SEO Services

Become unmissable in search results.

PPC Management Services

Reach your audience when they’re ready to buy.

Website Design Services

Make your website a smooth and memorable experience.

Link Building Services

Build authority with backlinks that won’t get you penalized.

Conversion Optimization

Turn more of your visitors into paying customers.

Facebook Ads Management

Connect with your ideal customer on Facebook and Instagram.

What To Expect With Your Marketing Campaign

Every person on your campaign is regularly re-certified at the highest level; so you can keep growing while the competition fumbles.



Data Gathering

An initial kick-off meeting will be held with your Brand Success Manager (BSM) and any key personnel who will be working with you. During this call, we will ask questions to gain a deep understanding of your business, identify your main goals & important KPIs, and establish a communication cadence with primary stakeholders.


Internal Strategies

After completing your kick-off meeting, an internal strategy session will occur with all key personnel on the campaign to develop our proposed plan & ongoing strategy customized to achieve your goals.


Insite Dashboard

Once set up, your BSM will schedule a walkthrough of the InSite Dashboard. This is a vital tool for the success of your campaign. A few of its benefits: performance tracking, campaign task tracking, strategy insights, and downloadable reports.


Scheduled Meetings

We’ll set regularly scheduled meetings with your BSM to discuss objectives, campaign performance, upcoming deliverables, strategy review & approval, and general feedback.


Quarterly Reviews

Quarterly campaign review meetings with your BSM to discuss long-term objectives, campaign performance, ongoing strategy, tactical adjustments, etc.


Strategy Adjustments

Throughout the campaign, your BSM and all key personnel will be analyzing data to make strategic adjustments catered towards achieving your goals.

Tired of Dealing With Home Builder Marketing Challenges?

If any of these challenges sound familiar, meet HigherVisibility. We’ve worked with numerous home builders and construction companies to solve these same challenges. Our team is ready to make you our next success story!


Traffic Not Growing or Declining

Not Generating Leads or Sales

Poor Results with Prior Agencies

Falling Behind the Competition

Not Enough In-House Expertise

Poor Agency Communication

Don’t Have In-House Resources

Not Understanding your Business

Not Sure What You Paid For

Home Builder Marketing 7 Proven Strategies to Get Patients

Marketing, especially for home builders, has completely changed over the past year. Creating a cohesive, online presence is more important than ever before, and that may mean a shift in your team’s marketing strategy. Read on to learn how to leverage these home builder marketing ideas to gain more leads.


1. Expand Your Brand

  • Before delving deeper into home builder marketing tips, let’s start with expanding your brand. You probably took the time to brand your website, pamphlets, and signage with the same colors and logos. As you expand your brand to other outlets, like social media platforms, you want to keep that consistency.
  • It may seem basic, but keeping your brand consistent across all social media platforms helps clients and potential clients easily identify you. You don’t want somebody picking up the wrong Instagram account or missing you altogether because the profile picture or posts don’t align with your website and other marketing materials.
  • Remember, when expanding your brand, consistency is key! When starting up with a new social media platform, try using this mini-checklist to keep your new account in line with the rest of your branding.
  • Account name
  • Logos
  • Fonts (when applicable)
  • Color schemes
  • Tag lines, messages, catchphrases, and hashtags

2. Search Engine Optimization

  • You don’t have to become a search engine optimization (SEO) master to see the impact it can have on lead generation. However, it’s a good idea to understand the concept and how to apply it to everything you do online.
  • SEO is a long-term investment in lead generation because it takes time to build and achieve results. It’s not something you want to ignore, because the longer you take to adopt a strong SEO plan, the longer it will be before you see results.
  • There are several factors to consider when creating your SEO strategy. The important part is regularly dedicating time and effort into SEO until you address all of these factors, and then keep going.

A Quality Website

  • Start by evaluating your website. Even if it looks incredible, it is useless if it’s not functional or misses some critical SEO elements.
  • What do your potential clients see when they visit your website? It should be intuitive to use, easy to navigate, and attractive.
  • How fast does your site load? Site speed matters and you want pages to load in two seconds or less to avoid losing visitors.
  • Does your site work? Fix broken links and improper redirects to make sure everything runs properly. A proper site structure helps with your user experience as much as with SEO when web crawlers read your site.
  • Do you have videos? Consider a tour of your model home or a build site.

Deliver Consistent, Valuable Content

  • If you haven’t added a blog to your website already, it’s time to start. Blogging is an important content marketing strategy that delivers valuable information to your clients and potential clients while appeasing the web crawlers.
  • You don’t have to deliver daily posts or go overboard with the long-form articles. However, it would help if you tried to post two to three times per week to keep your site recent and relevant. Don’t forget to mind your writing and grammar!

Get Your Google Maps Listing

  • Google is a monster on the internet, and you want to be everywhere; you can score a listing, including Google Maps. It’s possible that your business already has a listing and all you have to do is claim it. Remember, Google gives preference to local businesses, so you want to be visible for your area.

Ask Customers to Leave Reviews

  • Even a handful of solid customer reviews can boost your Google rating, especially if your customers don’t have them. Please speak with your clients and ask them to leave reviews on Google, Yelp, and any other platforms they use to give your business a boost.
  • Bonus tip: Testimonials on your website can also help. Ask customers who loved their new homes to share quotes and feedback that you can use on your website as social proof for potential clients.

Use Google Analytics

  • Be honest, do you have Google Analytics and know how to use it? Many people set up their Google Analytics because they received sage advice somewhere along the line. Those same people often fail to make the most of Google Analytics because they don’t understand how to leverage the tools. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of it.
  • Bonus tip: The Goals tool in Google Analytics can be your best friend in home builder marketing. It helps you fine-tune forms to achieve desired actions, like getting a visitor to sign up for your newsletter.

Find Linking Opportunities

  • Did you know that Google rewards your site for links from other sites? Partner with appropriate, reputable companies to share links. For example, look for popular local blogs in your area and offer to do a guest post. You get a link on their blog, and you can give them a link on your website.
  • It may help to do a little recon to see where your competitors get their links. Consider your partners or complementary businesses that would benefit from a mutual partnership.
  • Bonus tip: Don’t forget to set up your Google Search Console. You get access to more valuable tools, including keywords that brought people to your site and any potential errors.

3. Develop a Valuable Lead Magnet

  • Even if you already have one (or more) lead magnets, you may want to reconsider how you currently use it. If you don’t currently have a lead magnet, it’s time to develop one.

Creating a Valuable Lead Magnet

  • Consider your customers and what they need. What do you see clients struggling with when they come to you? Creating a valuable lead magnet draws people to your site, and to you. Make it worth their while and helpful for their purposes. Ebooks, especially guides with checklists, are popular options.
  • From choosing colors to deciding what plot to select, there are plenty of questions that home builders can answer for potential clients. You could even do an FAQ guide to answer multiple burning questions.

Using Your Lead Magnet the Right Way

  • Even if you have the best lead magnet around, it doesn’t help you if it doesn’t convert visitors to real leads. Offer the lead in exchange for more detailed information than a name and email address. You don’t want to ask too much, but a phone number or physical address could open new doors for you.
  • Bonus tip: Don’t forget to brand your lead magnet so that it matches everything else you use and choose a document type that’s easy to download, like a PDF.

4. Social Media Matters

  • Social media platforms allow you to reach potential customers with your message and deliver valuable information with the ultimate goal of converting them to clients. From Facebook to Pinterest, you have a multitude of opportunities to reach your audience and expand your digital footprint.


  • Advertising on Facebook gives home builders various options for targeting new clients. You can set your ad for a particular geographic area so that you can target viable leads instead of people who live on the other side of the country.


  • Millions of people around the world use Pinterest. The social media platform is a haven for people of all ages and backgrounds. Though most users are women, the gender gap is narrowing, especially since more Dads join every day. You can even promote your pins now.


  • Instagram is another visual social media platform with a growing membership. It provides a wonderful opportunity for home builders to share your designs, completed homes, and valuable information to attract new leads.


  • Virtual home tours and 3D home builder tours allow potential customers to see what you have to offer without leaving the safety of their homes. Videos allow you to connect with leads and showcase your designs to pique the interests of your target demographic. Posting them on YouTube allows you to create playlists as well.

5. Hone Your Pay Per Click Marketing Strategy

  • Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is beneficial if you do it correctly. Make sure your ads are appropriate and consistent with your brand. You also want to choose your platforms wisely and narrow your target audience wisely – you don’t want to reach teenagers or people living in another country!
  • Bonus tip: Bing may be smaller than Google, but it’s also cheaper and frequented by older people (55 and older). Home builders catering to retirees may find greater success on Bing than Google.

6. Email Marketing

  • One of the easiest, least expensive ways to reach clients and prospective clients is email marketing. You can use material from your blog, highlight specials, and remind your list about the work you do. Don’t neglect this aspect of your content marketing strategy!

7. Automate Marketing Tools

  • Are you exhausted yet? It sounds like a lot of work, and you probably already have too much on your plate. Take a breath and read on because you’ll love this part – automating your home builder marketing plan!
  • Make a list of everything your team contributes to the marketing strategy. What if you could automate a lot of those processes? It’s completely possible if you have the proper tools.

Use a Customer Relationship Manager

  • Purchasing a Customer Relationship Manager, commonly known as a CRM, could be the best thing you do for your business. A CRM platform helps you organize and manage all of your contacts. From clients to prospects and real estate agents to vendors, information is available to everyone on your team at any given time.
  • CRMs also happen to have several tools for automating marketing. Even if you already have a CRM set up, make sure it’s fully functional and that you make use of those automation tools, including setting reminders for your team.

Get Creative and Personal

  • It’s the little things in life that matter to people, like remembering a special occasion or a simple “thank you.” Depending on the system you use, you can send personalized cards, emails, or texts whenever certain events occur. Here are some important ones to consider:
  • Set automatic reminders about open houses or grand openings.
  • Create birthday, holiday, or house closing anniversary emails for your clients as appropriate.
  • Create emails for various stages of the home building process to encourage upselling, like reasons to add a deck or three-seasons room.
  • If you’re looking for more help with your digital marketing strategy, contact our team for a consultation.

Don't let your competitors outshine you online.

Discover how Marketing for Home Builders can benefit your business in the long run!

Achievements & Credentials


Thryve Labs excelled in delivering Google Tag Manager Audit and Conversion Tracking services, dramatically boosting Speakup London's campaign performance and user engagement, which directly translated into higher enrollment rates.

Farhan Qureshi Speak Up London

Working with Thryve Labs was a pivotal move for us at Solutions M. Their expertise in Google Tag Manager implementation transformed our client's analytics, resulting in enhanced data management and insightful reporting.

Pedro Lopez Solutions M

Teaming up with Thryve Labs for white-label web analytics services was a game-changer for our e-commerce clients at BeUniqueness Ltd. Their technical analytics expertise brought invaluable insights and improvements to our digital strategies.

Mohamed Elhawary BeUniqueness Ltd

Thryve Labs' expertise in web analytics was instrumental for Entity X. As our subcontracting partner, they provided deep insights and sophisticated data analysis, elevating our web strategy to new heights.

Cornelius Radunz Entity X

Implementing marketing automation and data visualization from Thryve Labs revolutionized our event marketing. The streamlined processes and clear insights they provided were game-changers for our engagement strategies.

Julie Mackenzie Sundaylicious

BelgiumImo's collaboration with Thryve Labs for our single-page application tracking and advertising channels was a milestone achievement. Their expertise in Hotjar segmentation, Microsoft Clarity, Bing Ads, and HubSpot form tracking, coupled with seamless GA4 migration, significantly enhanced our digital footprint.

Matteo Graceffa BelgiumImo

For Vestd's GA4 migration, Thryve Labs was indispensable. Their technical proficiency ensured a flawless transition to GA4, unlocking advanced tracking features and deeper analytical insights for our digital strategy.

Joshua Luter Vestd

Thryve Labs' Google Tag Manager Audit and their handling of e-commerce event tracking for Grit+Tonic were technically masterful. Their meticulous approach brought clarity and precision to our data analytics, greatly enhancing our e-commerce strategy.

Simon Marshall Grit+Tonic

Bringing in Thryve Labs for server-side tagging using Google Cloud Platform was a game-changer for Spork Marketing, LLC. Their innovative approach to server-side tracking has significantly advanced our data analytics, offering us new levels of insight.

Jason Lancaster Spork Marketing, LLC

Skywatch ai's decision to enlist Thryve Labs for our Google Tag Manager dataLayer audit and repair was transformative. Their expertise in fixing our data layer resulted in a more robust and accurate tracking system, enhancing our overall data strategy.

Amir Shneider Skywatch ai

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Thryve Labs Boosts Businesses and Teams, Harnessing Customer Data and AI for Success.
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