Digital Marketing for Doctors

Most doctors struggle to generate consistent leads and sales. We fix that! We develop custom digital marketing services proven to get more patients. Request a free custom strategy from our experts!


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Our Doctor Marketing Specialties


SEO Services

Become unmissable in search results.

PPC Management Services

Reach your audience when they’re ready to buy.

Website Design Services

Make your website a smooth and memorable experience.

Link Building Services

Build authority with backlinks that won’t get you penalized.

Conversion Optimization

Turn more of your visitors into paying customers.

Facebook Ads Management

Connect with your ideal customer on Facebook and Instagram.

What To Expect With Your Physician Marketing Campaign

Every person on your campaign is regularly re-certified at the highest level; so you can keep growing while the competition fumbles.


Data Gathering

An initial kick-off meeting will be held with your Brand Success Manager (BSM) and any key personnel who will be working with you. During this call, we will ask questions to gain a deep understanding of your business, identify your main goals & important KPIs, and establish a communication cadence with primary stakeholders.


Internal Strategies

After completing your kick-off meeting, an internal strategy session will occur with all key personnel on the campaign to develop our proposed plan & ongoing strategy customized to achieve your goals.


Insite Dashboard

Once set up, your BSM will schedule a walkthrough of the InSite Dashboard. This is a vital tool for the success of your campaign. A few of its benefits: performance tracking, campaign task tracking, strategy insights, and downloadable reports.


Scheduled Meetings

We’ll set regularly scheduled meetings with your BSM to discuss objectives, campaign performance, upcoming deliverables, strategy review & approval, and general feedback.


Quarterly Reviews

Quarterly campaign review meetings with your BSM to discuss long-term objectives, campaign performance, ongoing strategy, tactical adjustments, etc.


Strategy Adjustments

Throughout the campaign, your BSM and all key personnel will be analyzing data to make strategic adjustments catered towards achieving your goals.

Tired of Dealing With Doctor Marketing Challenges?

If any of these challenges sound familiar, meet Thryve Labs. We’ve worked with numerous physician clients to solve these same challenges. Our team is ready to help you!


Traffic Not Growing or Declining

Not Generating Leads or Sales

Poor Results with Prior Agencies

Falling Behind the Competition

Not Enough In-House Expertise

Poor Agency Communication

Don’t Have In-House Resources

Not Understanding your Business

Not Sure What You Paid For

Digital Marketing for Doctors: 7 Proven Strategies to Get Patients

Online marketing has risen to the number one way businesses offer their services and get new customers. No longer are businesses solely focused on the mass mailing of print materials or telephone calls. Today, successfully marketing your business is all about an online presence.

  • Doctors worldwide are experiencing the need to create and execute a digital marketing plan, and we want to help.

Why Is Digital Marketing Important in the Medical World?

  • In the past 30 years, digital marketing has evolved at lightning speed. More people are online, and almost everyone has a smartphone. A recent online article stated that 77% of potential patients would do an online search before making an appointment.
  • Doctors must understand that competition is a click away. You must have an updated and strong online presence, or potential patients may not come through your doors. The level of competition is no longer about the brick and mortar facilities; it is about what people can learn about your practice from the comfort of their living room.

7 Proven Strategies to Get Patients Through Online Marketing

  • Potential and existing patients are in the driver’s seat. A robust digital marketing strategy will drive traffic not only to your website but to your physical business.
  • Below, we are giving you the following seven strategies to get new patients coming through your door.

1. Website Design

  • Medical professionals cannot depend on an eye-catching billboard or advertisement in a newspaper. You must have an online presence that starts with the creation of a knockout website design.
  • A website is your online property. It is the landing pad for a potential patient. What they see online is what they expect to see in your office. For this reason, there are a few things to remember when developing your web design.
  • Your website should be informative. For example, each physician at your practice should have a bio on the site. You should have all information about the services you render, insurance, cancellation policies, and how patients can prepare for an appointment.
  • Other important features include easy navigation and a responsive design. Your website should look the same on a desktop, tablet, and smartphone. A successful website design will include all contact information and a clear call to action.

2. Local SEO

  • Search engine optimization, SEO, is what drives traffic to your site. It is really more about the actions of people than anything. Local SEO is about what people are looking for in their area. Under usual circumstances, people are not going to travel across states to find a doctor.
  • A few easy online actions can increase your local SEO. You should list your practice on sites like ZocDoc, Google My Business, and Healthgrades. Using local SEO helps your practice jump higher on the list when someone searches for doctors near me.
  • Don’t forget to use a local online directory like yellow pages, Yelp, or Bing. Your goal is to be easily found by all potential patients.
  • It is crucial people in your local area know you’re there, and most are using an online search engine, not a car.

3. Content Creation

  • Content is often overlooked but is so important to your web traffic. Creating landing pages, blogs, and press releases on your site will keep potential patients engaged. Engagement from a content marketing campaign could equal appointments.
  • Content also has an SEO component. Using high ranking keywords in a blog post could lead someone to your site. Blog posts are also a great outlet to share what services you offer and the level of knowledge you have about specific conditions.
  • Posting press releases on your site keeps people informed of what is happening at your location. Landing pages are perfect for zeroing in on one specific service you offer and generate leads.

4. Social Media Campaigns

  • With billions of people on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, it is crucial to use a social media platform as part of your digital marketing strategy. Not only can you reach thousands of people, but you can better your online reputation.
  • Most people will look at social media before looking at a website. Social media is the place where they can ask others for their recommendations. Positive reviews left on social media platforms could increase traffic to your website.
  • Social media is where communication happens, and you want your medical practice in those discussions.
  • Creating a social media presence will require you to make regular posts. Social media is a great place to share what is happening at your office, announcements, and utilize social media ads. You can also share a new blog post and get more people clicking your web address.
  • A successful social media campaign is time-consuming but could lead to a higher number of new patients.

5. Video Content Creation

  • Video content is becoming as important as written content in today’s digital marketing world. People love watching a good video, which is why Youtube has become the 2nd largest search engine in the world.
  • Creating videos is not hard. Today, all you need is a smartphone or any other mobile device. You can post videos on social media and websites easily from anywhere in the world. A good video will help your community engage with you. They help you build a brand that people resonate with.
  • People tend to feel more connected to someone they can see rather than words they read.
  • Videos content creation can include updates on your practice, patient testimonials, or information about medical conditions you specialize in.

6. Email Marketing Campaigns

  • Email marketing is the act of sending emails to a specific group. It is a way to let your patients know what is happening at the office or any special promotions you’re offering for new patients or products you are selling.
  • You may ask why you should utilize email in your marketing strategy. The answer is by using email to market your practice can steadily increase your business. With a projected 4.48 billion email users by 2024, it would not be to your advantage to lay aside email marketing.
  • Email marketing is more cost-effective than traditional print ads because you can see how many people are opening your emails and track how long it takes from opening an email to making an appointment. You won’t spend money on wasted marketing techniques.

7. Pay Per Click (PPC)

  • Pay per click, or PPC, is an internet marketing model where you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. Internet users will see these ads most often at the top of a search results page for any search engine.
  • The healthcare industry can find numerous opportunities online to use pay per click advertising. The most common and best for beginners is Google Adwords. Others are YouTube advertising, Facebook ads, or Google Local Services ads.
  • Investing in PPC can earn your healthcare practice a spot at the top of Google, Bing, or Yahoo search engine results. People will see your name before anything else.
  • To get the most out of this internet marketing strategy, follow these tips. First, do some keyword research. Keywords may not seem necessary for ads, but they are. You want your ad to match what people are typing in the search engine. If you don’t have time to research, a good marketing service can help.
  • Next, make sure when a person clicks on your ad, they get to the right landing page. While it may seem good, we recommend not sending them to your homepage. Instead, send them to a specific landing page that already has high conversion rates.

How Do Healthcare Professionals Create a Superior Medical Marketing Strategy?

  • Creating a digital marketing strategy is beneficial but can be overwhelming to medical professionals. They need to focus on patients, not strategy. To accomplish this, you should consider investing in a digital marketing agency.
  • A digital marketing service will help you develop a plan and execute it. This service includes brainstorming marketing ideas and discovering your target audience. They will help you with reputation management, social media marketing, and driving traffic to all online avenues.
  • A digital marketing service will make sure you don’t miss out on any medical marketing opportunity.


  • As a medical professional, you need a clean medical website that clearly sends your brand and message to the masses. This is completely obtainable with these seven proven strategies.
  • The first step is to create a website that includes written and video content. Always include your contact information, address, and phone number, as well as a clear call to action. Utilize all other means like email marketing and PPC to lead people to your site.
  • Your online presence is what will drive potential patients your way. Enlist the help of an experienced healthcare marketing agency to achieve your desired online marketing goals and build the medical practice you have always dreamed of.

Don't let your competitors outshine you online.

Discover how Digital services for Doctor can benefit your business in the long run!

Achievements & Credentials


Thryve Labs excelled in delivering Google Tag Manager Audit and Conversion Tracking services, dramatically boosting Speakup London's campaign performance and user engagement, which directly translated into higher enrollment rates.

Farhan Qureshi Speak Up London

Working with Thryve Labs was a pivotal move for us at Solutions M. Their expertise in Google Tag Manager implementation transformed our client's analytics, resulting in enhanced data management and insightful reporting.

Pedro Lopez Solutions M

Teaming up with Thryve Labs for white-label web analytics services was a game-changer for our e-commerce clients at BeUniqueness Ltd. Their technical analytics expertise brought invaluable insights and improvements to our digital strategies.

Mohamed Elhawary BeUniqueness Ltd

Thryve Labs' expertise in web analytics was instrumental for Entity X. As our subcontracting partner, they provided deep insights and sophisticated data analysis, elevating our web strategy to new heights.

Cornelius Radunz Entity X

Implementing marketing automation and data visualization from Thryve Labs revolutionized our event marketing. The streamlined processes and clear insights they provided were game-changers for our engagement strategies.

Julie Mackenzie Sundaylicious

BelgiumImo's collaboration with Thryve Labs for our single-page application tracking and advertising channels was a milestone achievement. Their expertise in Hotjar segmentation, Microsoft Clarity, Bing Ads, and HubSpot form tracking, coupled with seamless GA4 migration, significantly enhanced our digital footprint.

Matteo Graceffa BelgiumImo

For Vestd's GA4 migration, Thryve Labs was indispensable. Their technical proficiency ensured a flawless transition to GA4, unlocking advanced tracking features and deeper analytical insights for our digital strategy.

Joshua Luter Vestd

Thryve Labs' Google Tag Manager Audit and their handling of e-commerce event tracking for Grit+Tonic were technically masterful. Their meticulous approach brought clarity and precision to our data analytics, greatly enhancing our e-commerce strategy.

Simon Marshall Grit+Tonic

Bringing in Thryve Labs for server-side tagging using Google Cloud Platform was a game-changer for Spork Marketing, LLC. Their innovative approach to server-side tracking has significantly advanced our data analytics, offering us new levels of insight.

Jason Lancaster Spork Marketing, LLC

Skywatch ai's decision to enlist Thryve Labs for our Google Tag Manager dataLayer audit and repair was transformative. Their expertise in fixing our data layer resulted in a more robust and accurate tracking system, enhancing our overall data strategy.

Amir Shneider Skywatch ai

Frequently Asked Questions

Our focus is on tracking support, resolving tracking issues, and ensuring your existing reporting functions correctly. We don't perform data analysis or create monthly reports but can assist with reporting-related issues.

ThryveLabs' Facebook ads service is designed to benefit a wide range of businesses, from small startups to established enterprises across various industries. Whether you're in e-commerce, healthcare, technology, or any other sector, our tailored strategies can help boost your online presence and drive conversions.

We optimize Facebook ads by leveraging advanced targeting options, A/B testing ad creatives, refining audience segmentation, and analyzing performance metrics in real-time. Our data-driven approach ensures that every dollar spent on advertising delivers measurable results and a positive return on investment (ROI).

ThryveLabs stands out due to our personalized approach and commitment to transparency. We assign dedicated account managers who work closely with clients to understand their unique goals and challenges. Additionally, we provide detailed reports and regular updates, keeping clients informed about campaign performance and optimization efforts.

Yes, our Facebook ads service is versatile and can be customized to support both short-term promotional campaigns and long-term brand building initiatives. Whether you're looking to drive immediate sales or increase brand awareness over time, we develop strategies that align with your specific objectives.

Getting started is easy! Simply reach out to us through our website or contact us directly to schedule a consultation. During the consultation, we'll discuss your business goals, budget, and target audience to develop a tailored Facebook ads strategy that meets your needs. From there, we'll handle everything from campaign setup to ongoing optimization, ensuring you get the most out of your advertising budget.

Want a Free Digital Marketing Strategy Customized to Your Business?

Schedule a call with our consultant to receive strategic insights, a customized action plan, and pricing options.

Our mission is to replace guesswork with data-driven decisions

Thryve Labs Boosts Businesses and Teams, Harnessing Customer Data and AI for Success.

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Thryve Labs Boosts Businesses and Teams, Harnessing Customer Data and AI for Success.
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