Manufacturers Marketing

Expert Digital Marketing Services for Manufacturers

Most manufacturing companies struggle to generate consistent leads and sales. We fix that! We develop custom digital marketing services proven to get more customers. Request a free custom strategy from our experts!


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Our Manufacturer Marketing Specialties


SEO Services

Become unmissable in search results.

PPC Management Services

Reach your audience when they’re ready to buy.

Website Design Services

Make your website a smooth and memorable experience.

Link Building Services

Build authority with backlinks that won’t get you penalized.

Conversion Optimization

Turn more of your visitors into paying customers.

Facebook Ads Management

Connect with your ideal customer on Facebook and Instagram.

What To Expect With Your Digital Marketing Campaign

Every person on your campaign is regularly re-certified at the highest level; so you can keep growing while the competition fumbles.



Data Gathering

An initial kick-off meeting will be held with your Brand Success Manager (BSM) and any key personnel who will be working with you. During this call, we will ask questions to gain a deep understanding of your business, identify your main goals & important KPIs, and establish a communication cadence with primary stakeholders.


Internal Strategies

After completing your kick-off meeting, an internal strategy session will occur with all key personnel on the campaign to develop our proposed plan & ongoing strategy customized to achieve your goals.


Insite Dashboard

Once set up, your BSM will schedule a walkthrough of the InSite Dashboard. This is a vital tool for the success of your campaign. A few of its benefits: performance tracking, campaign task tracking, strategy insights, and downloadable reports.


Scheduled Meetings

We’ll set regularly scheduled meetings with your BSM to discuss objectives, campaign performance, upcoming deliverables, strategy review & approval, and general feedback.


Quarterly Reviews

Quarterly campaign review meetings with your BSM to discuss long-term objectives, campaign performance, ongoing strategy, tactical adjustments, etc.


Strategy Adjustments

Throughout the campaign, your BSM and all key personnel will be analyzing data to make strategic adjustments catered towards achieving your goals.

Tired of Dealing With Manufacturer Marketing Challenges?

If any of these challenges sound familiar, meet HigherVisibility. We’ve worked with numerous manufacturing clients to solve these same challenges. Our team is ready to help you!


Traffic Not Growing or Declining

Not Generating Leads or Sales

Poor Results with Prior Agencies

Falling Behind the Competition

Not Enough In-House Expertise

Poor Agency Communication

Don’t Have In-House Resources

Not Understanding your Business

Not Sure What You Paid For

Digital Marketing for Manufacturers:Best Tactics to Drive Results

Marketing for manufacturers has changed drastically over the past couple of decades. While the focus used to be on direct mailings, trade shows, and client referrals, the incredibly quick evolution of technology has driven marketing to an online platform. How many times have you used a search engine like Google to find answers or products? Those first three to ten results that come up are the coveted space for any business with an online presence. So, as a manufacturing business, how do you change your marketing strategy to get high search engine rankings and more online traffic? The answer is a multifaceted digital marketing strategy.


Know Your Target Audience

  • Before you can design a marketing plan, you need to know your client. Jumping in blindly without truly understanding who you’re selling to and what they need can result in a loss of money and time.
  • Manufacturing companies are unique in that they often sell to businesses instead of directly to consumers. These are called B2B, or business-to-business, corporations. So, when creating your buyer persona, you should consider a whole company’s needs instead of just an individual’s.
  • Having a B2B company can make marketing more manageable in some aspects, but harder in others. For example, selling directly to consumers means that usually only the buyer and the seller are involved. B2B buyers are whole companies, with much more extensive needs. Having such important clients can be profitable, but you need to know how to sell them your product. To do so, create a buyer persona.
  • The most significant part of creating your buyer persona is understanding their needs – or more accurately, their company’s needs – before they do. For example, if you are engineering equipment to businesses, think about potential problems that your products could fix.

What Is Marketing for Manufacturers?

  • Marketing for manufacturers is different from other types of marketing because of the kind of audience. When selling directly to consumers, you can play some emotional cards, use PPC ads, and expect quick conversions.
  • However, as manufacturers, you have to adjust your marketing tactics to sell to business owners. They are probably worried about quality, shipping, and overall value for the cost. You’ll need to show them how you can efficiently meet their needs with quality products, and be sure to provide plenty of statistics to back your work.

Why Is Marketing for Manufacturers Unique?

  • Like any other type of marketing, B2B industrial marketing comes with its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding where you could face potential difficulties and successes is vital to preparing a marketing strategy.

Niche Markets

  • Being in a niche market can be a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, you have little competition, and you can quickly push your online presence using a few keywords (we’ll talk about this later). However, being in a niche market means you have fewer opportunities for sales.
  • For example, consumer marketing focuses their digital marketing on driving up website traffic to their site, which creates more conversions and sales. B2B marketing is a long process and often involves in-person conversations and negotiating thanks to large-scale sales. Only focusing on increased traffic does not guarantee more conversions for manufacturing companies.

Unique Products

  • Manufacturing companies aren’t trying to sell simple products. They are often complex and customizable, which prevents quick purchases. Where a consumer marketing strategy would implement short sales strategies like a “buy now” button, manufacturing businesses need to take a different, more extended approach to sales.
  • However, having such unique products also gives you leverage, as they make your company one-of-a-kind. Highlight your products’ quality features, but don’t waste time designing ads and pop-ups for quick buys. Instead, consider developing out a customized quote call to action form aimed at lead generation.

Few Immediate Conversions

  • Since your selling to whole corporations, the buying process takes time. Your potential customers are CEOs or decision influencers in a company who need to discuss the purchase at length before buying.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) ads may work well for B2C businesses that are buying visits to their sites, but these marketing campaigns will often fall flat for companies in the manufacturing industry. Paying for people to look at your site will not produce sales like in other companies. It would be best to spend time focusing on lead generation, creating a relationship between you and your potential customer, and selling your brand over time.
  • These long sales cycles require a lot of patience, but once you have won over a new customer, you likely have a long-term client that will bring in regular revenue.

Brand Loyalty

  • Because it can take a while to close a sale, manufacturing companies must focus time and energy on brand loyalty. Make sure you have clients for life by nurturing your business relationship.
  • Once they have had a fantastic buying experience with you, the business is more likely to purchase again, recommend you to their colleagues, and build your brand awareness.

Choose the Best Manufacturing Marketing Strategy

  • There are numerous ways to market your company. One particular strategy may work well for one business, but not for another. Think about your existing clientele base, where you need to improve, and what would work in your particular area of expertise.
  • The best way to tackle manufacturing marketing is by using multiple strategies. You may be surprised at what works! Let’s look at six of the common approaches for a B2B company, and think about which ones you can incorporate into your marketing plan.

1. Equip Your Company with the Right Tools

  • The first step in any online marketing strategy is making sure you have the right tools for success. If you have been focusing your energy on trade shows and word-of-mouth, it’s time to implement several online tools to create marketing automation.
  • The two most important tools are Google Analytics and Google Search Console. These free resources will let you analyze your search engine ranking, website traffic, bounce rate, conversion rate, etc.

2. Analyze Your Current Online Presence

  • Once you have integrated some of the above tools, it’s time to analyze how your website performs. If you just started using a tool like Google Analytics, you must wait at least a month to make any conclusions about your website’s activity. Looking at the statistics after one week will not give you an accurate number of leads and conversions.
  • After you have gained enough information to understand your website traffic and visitors, it’s time to see where you need to improve. Do you have lots of visitors but a minimal conversion rate? Maybe you have a few visitors, but a high conversion rate.
  • Either way, consider areas for improvement and use one – or all – of the following tips to make sure you have numerous leads and conversions.

3. SEO Strategies

  • Search engine optimization, or SEO, is vital to online marketing. It is a complex process with numerous factors that affect your site’s ranking on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Each query engine has a specific way to analyze your website and its quality of content, so it takes some time to understand and master SEO.
  • Your goal is to rank in the top ten – preferably the top three – results for any given Google search. To get their attention, you need to focus on creating quality content that your potential clients want and need. Focusing on SEO is a huge part of inbound marketing or drawing your customers to your business.
  • There are numerous ways to work on SEO, but we’re just going to touch on two key areas to get you started.


  • We mentioned before that being in a niche market can be beneficial. The manufacturing industry has dozens of high-value keywords that your website can tackle. Since there is not as much competition as in other markets, you can easily rank high on several keywords if you make quality content with that keyword.
  • While there aren’t many people searching for these terms, those that do are intent on buying. If you focus on these terms, you may get slightly more traffic, but much more conversions because your website visitors are genuinely interested.
  • So, how do you find these keywords? Start with your buyer persona and think about what they need. Create a list of your keywords, then use a tool like Ahrefs to check those keywords and how your competition uses them.

Content Marketing

  • To use those keywords, you need to make content. Blogging may seem like a trivial task to a large manufacturing company, but writing articles and blogs about what your client is looking for shows your expertise in the area.
  • Your future clients will recognize your authority and knowledge in your niche market if you focus your marketing efforts on producing numerous blogs and video content. Furthermore, content marketing will increase your search engine rankings because they show Google that your site has quality material and a clear hierarchy between the pages.

4. Social Media Presence

  • Another aspect of inbound marketing is social media. Posting videos, tips, products, and experience on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter helps build brand awareness, show your expertise, and draw people to your brand.
  • Again, focus on what your client needs. Answer frequently asked questions, post videos of your employees, or show how competitive your rates are. You can also consider running Facebook and Instagram ads to get people to interact with your website.
  • However, since you are not selling directly to the consumer, the best place to start would be LinkedIn. Create a great profile and stay active so you can connect prominent clients.

5. Email Marketing

  • With such a long sales cycle, your marketing team needs to nurture those relationships with potential clients, including through email marketing. A 2015 study from the DMA showed that for every $1 spent on email, marketers gained a $38 return.
  • Sending emails doesn’t mean bombarding them with mail that the lead will mark as spam. Instead, you want to send emails and newsletters periodically to companies that have already shown interest.
  • Since most of your sales may not occur online, you can make your conversion goals that someone downloads white papers or signs up for your newsletter. When they go to download something, ask for their email. If they sign up for the newsletter, make sure you get their contact information to maintain a relationship with them.
  • Once they have given you their email, send them emails about your latest products, trade shows, and offers. Ideally, you’ll send these every month or few weeks to keep your company name fresh in their brain.
  • Remember, with a manufacturing company, making a sale is a long-term goal.

6. Trade Shows

  • Keep going to your trade shows! Just because you are developing a robust online presence doesn’t mean that the value of personal connections has diminished.
  • In fact, the combination of online marketing and real-life connections may be just what your company needs. As previously stated, few companies will make such a large purchase on the internet. Therefore, make sure you maintain a strong personal relationship with potential clients.
  • Make sure you combine the two tactics by advertising that you will be at trade shows on your website and social media. Then, when talking to potential clients, ensure they have all of your contact information from your website to your social media.

Start Improving Your Marketing Skills

  • The world of marketing may be changing for the manufacturing industry, but that does not mean it is impossible to create brand awareness. You can quickly increase your sales by focusing more on digital marketing and combining that to in-person sales. By implementing the above tactics, you are sure to see results.

Don't let your competitors outshine you online.

Discover how Manufacturers Marketing can benefit your business in the long run!

Achievements & Credentials


Thryve Labs excelled in delivering Google Tag Manager Audit and Conversion Tracking services, dramatically boosting Speakup London's campaign performance and user engagement, which directly translated into higher enrollment rates.

Farhan Qureshi Speak Up London

Working with Thryve Labs was a pivotal move for us at Solutions M. Their expertise in Google Tag Manager implementation transformed our client's analytics, resulting in enhanced data management and insightful reporting.

Pedro Lopez Solutions M

Teaming up with Thryve Labs for white-label web analytics services was a game-changer for our e-commerce clients at BeUniqueness Ltd. Their technical analytics expertise brought invaluable insights and improvements to our digital strategies.

Mohamed Elhawary BeUniqueness Ltd

Thryve Labs' expertise in web analytics was instrumental for Entity X. As our subcontracting partner, they provided deep insights and sophisticated data analysis, elevating our web strategy to new heights.

Cornelius Radunz Entity X

Implementing marketing automation and data visualization from Thryve Labs revolutionized our event marketing. The streamlined processes and clear insights they provided were game-changers for our engagement strategies.

Julie Mackenzie Sundaylicious

BelgiumImo's collaboration with Thryve Labs for our single-page application tracking and advertising channels was a milestone achievement. Their expertise in Hotjar segmentation, Microsoft Clarity, Bing Ads, and HubSpot form tracking, coupled with seamless GA4 migration, significantly enhanced our digital footprint.

Matteo Graceffa BelgiumImo

For Vestd's GA4 migration, Thryve Labs was indispensable. Their technical proficiency ensured a flawless transition to GA4, unlocking advanced tracking features and deeper analytical insights for our digital strategy.

Joshua Luter Vestd

Thryve Labs' Google Tag Manager Audit and their handling of e-commerce event tracking for Grit+Tonic were technically masterful. Their meticulous approach brought clarity and precision to our data analytics, greatly enhancing our e-commerce strategy.

Simon Marshall Grit+Tonic

Bringing in Thryve Labs for server-side tagging using Google Cloud Platform was a game-changer for Spork Marketing, LLC. Their innovative approach to server-side tracking has significantly advanced our data analytics, offering us new levels of insight.

Jason Lancaster Spork Marketing, LLC

Skywatch ai's decision to enlist Thryve Labs for our Google Tag Manager dataLayer audit and repair was transformative. Their expertise in fixing our data layer resulted in a more robust and accurate tracking system, enhancing our overall data strategy.

Amir Shneider Skywatch ai

Frequently Asked Questions

Our focus is on tracking support, resolving tracking issues, and ensuring your existing reporting functions correctly. We don't perform data analysis or create monthly reports but can assist with reporting-related issues.

ThryveLabs' Facebook ads service is designed to benefit a wide range of businesses, from small startups to established enterprises across various industries. Whether you're in e-commerce, healthcare, technology, or any other sector, our tailored strategies can help boost your online presence and drive conversions.

We optimize Facebook ads by leveraging advanced targeting options, A/B testing ad creatives, refining audience segmentation, and analyzing performance metrics in real-time. Our data-driven approach ensures that every dollar spent on advertising delivers measurable results and a positive return on investment (ROI).

ThryveLabs stands out due to our personalized approach and commitment to transparency. We assign dedicated account managers who work closely with clients to understand their unique goals and challenges. Additionally, we provide detailed reports and regular updates, keeping clients informed about campaign performance and optimization efforts.

Yes, our Facebook ads service is versatile and can be customized to support both short-term promotional campaigns and long-term brand building initiatives. Whether you're looking to drive immediate sales or increase brand awareness over time, we develop strategies that align with your specific objectives.

Getting started is easy! Simply reach out to us through our website or contact us directly to schedule a consultation. During the consultation, we'll discuss your business goals, budget, and target audience to develop a tailored Facebook ads strategy that meets your needs. From there, we'll handle everything from campaign setup to ongoing optimization, ensuring you get the most out of your advertising budget.

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Thryve Labs Boosts Businesses and Teams, Harnessing Customer Data and AI for Success.
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