Leveraging First-Party Data & Server-Side Tracking to Reduce Marketing Spend for an Entertainment SaaS Platform

Client Overview

789ten.com stands as a leading provider of premium electronic music producer tools and tutorials sourced from top global artists and brands. The platform offers valuable insights and tutorials via its YouTube channel, delivering free tips and tricks in concise, informative formats.

Our Role

As Facebook Marketing and Analytics Developers, our objective was to elevate the client’s marketing strategy by addressing the challenges posed by user tracking prevention, particularly in response to iOS14 updates. The primary goal revolved around enhancing first-party data collection, implementing server-side tracking, and mitigating the impact of iOS14’s user tracking prevention measures.

Project Goal

  • Implement first-party data collection techniques
  • Deploy server-side tracking solutions
  • Counteract the effects of iOS14 user tracking prevention

Website CMS/Platform Type

The client’s website operated on a custom platform, delivering a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) experience to its users.

Solution & Implementation

Understanding the limitations posed by client-side Facebook pixel setups, we took proactive steps to enhance the tracking capabilities by implementing the Facebook Conversion API (CAPI). This involved configuring the CAPI through server-side Google Tag Manager (S-GTM), ensuring a seamless integration within the existing infrastructure. The comprehensive setup included the following steps:

  • Sign-up and Provisioning of S-GTM: Creating and provisioning the server-side Google Tag Manager to manage server-side tags efficiently.
  • Mapping Subdomain for First-Party Context Tracking: Establishing a subdomain to enable tracking in a first-party context, ensuring accurate data collection.
  • Setting up Server-Side Tag (Facebook Conversion API): Configuring the Facebook Conversion API via S-GTM to enable server-side tracking of conversions and events.
  • Testing and Debugging Incoming HTTP Requests: Rigorous testing and debugging of incoming HTTP requests to ensure seamless transmission of required data.
  • Publishing Client and Server GTM Containers: Finalizing and deploying both client and server Google Tag Manager containers for effective and continuous tracking.


The implementation of the Facebook Conversion API yielded remarkable advantages:

  • Improved Campaign Attribution: Enhanced tracking capabilities led to more accurate attribution of campaigns, providing a clearer picture of user interactions.
  • Refined Facebook Ads Targeting: Leveraging the server-side tracking allowed for more precise targeting, optimizing ad delivery to the right audience segments.
  • Reduced Facebook Ads Cost per Action: By mitigating the impact of iOS14 user tracking prevention measures, the ads’ cost per action witnessed a significant decrease, leading to improved cost efficiency.

Through the seamless integration of server-side tracking solutions and the utilization of Facebook Conversion API via S-GTM, 789ten.com witnessed a substantial improvement in their marketing performance, allowing for better campaign optimization and cost-effective advertising strategies.

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